Media Feature

Feasibility of Businesses Accepting Crypto

As featured on Channel NewsAsia, 28 Mar 2024

4 Apr 2024 < 1 mins Read


As featured on Channel NewsAsia, 28 Mar 2024

Feasibility of Businesses Accepting Crypto

Anson Zeall, CSO and Head of Compliance at dtcpay, and Interim Chair at ACCESS shares how businesses can benefit from adopting cryptocurrency payments.

Media Feature

dtcpay CEO Liu Jia Dreams Of Integrating All Payment Methods Into One

Discover how Alice Liu, CEO of dtcpay, aims to revolutionize payment methods by integrating credit cards, Alipay, WeChat, and cryptocurrencies onto a single platform. Learn about the challenges Alice faced as an entrepreneur, her compliance-first focus, and her optimistic outlook on life.

19 Mar 2024 < 1 mins Read



Photography CHER HIM
Art Direction ANG POH LEE
Text 赵璐


她的精彩故事,要从与新加坡的缘份说起。她笑说自己是狮子座,与狮城缘定今生,感觉很奇妙。2019年,刘佳Liu Jia毅然辞去香港民生银行董事总经理的职务,想放个假,重新修整再出发,于是报读了新加坡国立大学高级工商管理硕士研究生EMBA学位。


就读期间,她结识了来自区块链、加密货币、金融支付等各领域的精英翘楚,除了听老师讲课,也与同学们沟通交流,弥补自己的知识盲点。 从一位做区块链与数字货币的同学那里了解新加坡支付服务法案(简称PSA法案),得知要求提供DPT(数字支付令牌)的服务商须向新加坡金融管理局申请执照。 她也逐渐感受到新加坡政府对金融科技的支持,对加密货币和区块链开放包容的态度,以及新科技与新兴产业的巨大潜能。 于是,她抱着“初生牛犊不怕虎”的心态,和同学一起申请。 这一申请,就等了两年多。等待期间,处于豁免期,同样可以展开业务。


就读国大的第一年,刘佳与一帮志同道合的朋友创办 了dtcpay支付公司,担任CEO首席执行官。 如今,公司已经发展成为MAS(新加坡金融管理局)授权的主要支付机构,提供DPT服务,也几乎涵盖了MAS旗下的所有支付活动。 深奥的专业术语,对门外汉来说简直是云里雾里。她想要做的,是否类似支付宝?

“不完全一样,支付宝是我们的合作伙伴。我和合伙人去餐厅吃饭时发现,一个餐厅需要多个POS刷卡机来收款,那时我们就有一个将信用卡、支付宝、微信甚至是加密货币支付等多种支付方式,整合在一台机器上的all-in-one(全合一)梦想。这并非易事,我们朝着梦想方向努力着。 我也在想,为什么传统支付方式不能用区块链技术来做?去中心化的区块链完全有迹可循,实时到账,效率非常高,用科技手段就能让支付更加便捷。简言之,dtcpay就是Web2与Web3之间的支付桥梁 。 这也是她创办dtcpay的初衷。 2022年,dtcpay正式获准提供DPT服务,也是新加坡第五家获得此服务许可的公司之一(迄今有17家公司获此许可)。 从2019年开始申请至2022年,苦等了两年十个月终于获批, 刘佳笑言“孩子都能生出来了”。


“起初有五百多家一起申请,我们这个圈子不具排他性,都是良性竞争。比如哪家公司获得许可后,我们都会互发贺电。越多的公司加入,就会促进整个行业的发展。 我相信,良性的竞争会加速科技发展,也希望我们能杜绝利用此行业作恶的现象,同心协力为区块链产业洗白。”


针对区块链与数字货币支付等知识,刘佳侃侃而谈, 我却听得一头雾水。 她笑说做这行最大的挑战就是认知率,特别是2019年dtcpay创办初期,懂得的人凤毛麟角。当时与四大国际会计师事务所之一的PwC普华永道合作,还被当做成功范例。








合规经营,是刘佳的目标之一。所有跟dtcpay申请开户的客户,都要经过严格审查(比如弄清楚他们的资金来源及用途目的),也因此被誉为新加坡反洗钱、反恐融资最严格的科技公司。 对于新加坡市场的发展前景,幽默的刘佳引用中国热门电视剧《狂飙》里一句经典台词:风浪越大鱼越贵。 当一门新兴产业处于野蛮生长的阶段,或者省掉合规成本, 自然会赚大钱。但“君子爱财取之有道”,刘佳会坚持初心,与对的人一起做对的事。


刚成立时,团队只有五个人,现在已经扩大至三十多人,也已在香港、缅甸与菲律宾设立办事处。 拿到新加坡牌照后,接下来她打算申请香港、迪拜乃至欧洲的支付令牌,让dtcpay的足迹遍布全世界。


狮子座热情豪爽、有爱心的特质,在刘佳身上展现得淋漓尽致。 没来新加坡之前,她就一直热衷于慈善事业。定居狮城后她仍继续投身慈善,除了身体力行向慈善机构献爱心,她还是新加坡九龙会慈善组的组长,定期举办慈善活动,也得到外交部兼国家发展部高级政务部长沈颖的大力支持。去年她参与“万岁慈善斋宴”,邀请五百余位乐龄人士和宾客欢聚一堂享用斋宴、欣赏娱乐节目,为佛教慈济慈善事业基金会(新加坡)筹得25万元。





她的回答是: “我也有爱,是大爱。自己的小爱要排在后面。现在的我每天忙忙碌碌,内心非常富足。”

其实她非常喜欢小孩子,最初的梦想是做幼儿园老师。何不自己开一间幼儿园?她笑说那可不行,一旦开展幼教事业,她必须全心全意去照顾小朋友,那样会变得更忙。 遇到烦心事,乐观的她盖上被子睡一觉就好了。


Media Feature

Sumsub to Showcase Digital Identity Verification Solutions at Seamless Asia

As featured on Fintech Singapore, 19 Feb 2024

19 Feb 2024 6 mins Read


As featured on Fintech Singapore, 19 Feb 2024

Sumsub to Showcase Digital Identity Verification Solutions at Seamless Asia

Singapore is one of the world’s leading hubs for fintech innovation. But with innovation comes risk – especially around identity verification and fraud prevention.


That’s why forward-thinking payment platforms like dtcpay rely on partners like Sumsub.


By implementing Sumsub’s no-code identity verification platform, dtcpay simplified Know Your Client (KYC) and onboarding to provide a smooth, secure user experience.


This collaboration helps dtcpay balance speed and compliance as they expand across Asia and beyond. It’s a great example of how fintechs and regtechs can collaborate to enable digital finance innovation while building trust.

As Sumsub gears up for its participation in Seamless Asia, this partnership serves as a beacon for businesses seeking to navigate the complexities of digital payments verification.

Moving fast without compromising compliance

As a Major Payment Institution licensed by Singapore’s Monetary Authority, dtcpay operates in a complex regulatory environment.


With expansion plans across Asia and beyond, dtcpay needed to streamline identity checks to remove friction during onboarding while still adhering to regulations.


dtcpay embarked on a journey to enhance its growth, confronting various obstacles. At the heart of its mission was the need for an automated verification system. This system was pivotal for refining the onboarding process, ensuring businesses could engage in transactions smoothly and with robust security.


Making the onboarding experience as straightforward as possible for users and merchants using the platform was equally important. A vital aspect of this enhancement was the efficient verification of Proof of Address ( PoA), an essential element in confirming user identities.


said Keian Wong, Head of Swap Product at dtcpay.

“Before integrating Sumsub, we faced challenges conducting manual verification, hindering efficiency and user experience,”

Keian Wong

Head of Swap Product at dtcpay

With rapid advancements in its multi-currency swaps and crypto payment services, dtcpay had to future-proof and automate verification processes.

Why Sumsub?

Sumsub emerged as the solution for dtcpay, offering a comprehensive suite of verification tools meticulously designed to meet regulatory requirements and streamline user onboarding.


The platform’s capabilities—ranging from ID Verification, Liveness and Face Match, to PoA and Ongoing AML Monitoring—were instrumental in transforming dtcpay’s operational landscape.


Sumsub’s verification solutions significantly enhanced dtcpay’s operational efficiency, evidenced by a 70 percent reduction in the dropout rate during the verification phase. This improvement in the onboarding process boosted operational efficiency and the overall user experience, a crucial factor for decay as it seeks to broaden its services to include multi-currency swaps and digital wallets.


Keian Wong, highlighting the importance of Sumsub’s contribution, stated,

“As we venture into diverse markets, Sumsub’s compliance assurance with verification standards across varying regulatory landscapes is instrumental in supporting our company’s expansion.”

Keian Wong

Head of Swap Product at dtcpay

Sumsub distinguishes itself by delivering a customisable onboarding experience that complies with international regulatory standards and supports over 14,000 ID types from over 220 countries and territories. This flexibility, alongside advanced features and constant AML monitoring has been central to dtcpay’s efforts to streamline its operations.


Penny Chai, Sumsub’s Vice President of Business Development for the Asia-Pacific region, elaborated on the platform’s strengths.

“Our exceptional OCR accuracy for handwritten texts and rare languages is essential for dtcpay’s global expansion. The platform’s customisation capabilities, supporting 96 languages, enhance the user experience by adding a layer of familiarity, significantly reducing onboarding times.”

Penny Chai

Sumsub’s Vice President of Business Development for the Asia-Pacific region

Penny further detailed how Sumsub’s platform is precisely engineered to cater to dtcpay’s needs, offering a customised onboarding experience that aligns with global regulatory standards.


Sumsub’s platform, renowned for its ability to accommodate many ID types from many countries and territories and its sophisticated risk-scoring system designed to detect fraud, firmly positions it as a critical component in dtcpay’s expansion strategy.


This effectiveness is underscored by the impressive verification rates observed across various regions: Hong Kong leads with 97.89 percent, followed closely by Singapore’s strong showing at 86.08 percent, and the United States round out the group with a commendable rate of 91.64 percent.


In addition, Sumsub’s adeptness at processing documents in rare languages and scripts like Cyrillic, Hieroglyphic and Semitic underscores its linguistic versatility.


This capability is vital for dtcpay as it continues to penetrate diverse markets. Sumsub’s OCR technology’s high accuracy and adaptability to various regulatory frameworks ensure dtcpay’s confidence in its ambitious expansion plans.

A swift and seamless transition

dtcpay successfully integrated Sumsub’s verification solution into their wallet platform, ushering in a more efficient and user-friendly onboarding experience.


Integrating Sumsub was a seamless process that took only a few weeks. Apart from offering omnichannel document collection, Sumsub’s SDK allowed dtcpay to customise the flow to suit specific user requirements.


This versatile solution includes a face liveness module that enhances conversion rates and reduces the risk of fraudulent activities. An adaptive and mobile-friendly design ensures a seamless experience across all devices.


Users also benefit from helpful hints to navigate the process more smoothly, and mobile compatibility ensures the freedom to use it on the go. The SDK automatically refreshes when the status changes, ensuring users are constantly updated with their verification progress.


Sumsub’s features also eliminated the need for manual PoA document checks, resulting in a swift and seamless onboarding process for users engaging in multi-currency swaps, online payments, in-store transactions, and PayByLink via dtcpay.


After integrating Sumsub, dtcpay witnessed significant improvements in onboarding time, contributing to overall operational efficiency.


Anson Zeall, Head of Compliance at dtcpay, said,

“Integrating Sumsub’s solution has significantly improved our operations. Our onboarding process is now simpler and faster, improving efficiency for the team and the user experience for our customers.”

Anson Zeall

Head of Compliance at dtcpay

Keian Wong further highlighted the impact:

“The implementation of Sumsub enables us to automatically identify forged or altered documents post-submission, enhancing the verification workflow and optimising overall efficiency.”


Head of Swap Product at dtcpay

Sumsub’s comprehensive suite of verification solutions

Sumsub utilises artificial intelligence to enhance its digital verification solutions, focusing on innovative onboarding processes and compliance technologies. This includes the development of proprietary technologies such as workflow builders, liveness and deepfake detection, and mechanisms to adhere to the travel rule.


These AI-driven tools position Sumsub at the forefront of providing advanced verification solutions, enabling businesses to handle the complexities of digital transactions with unparalleled ease and confidence.


The company’s extensive suite of solutions is anchored by its KYC (Know Your Customer) Compliance service, which enables swift and effective identity verification of customers. This service is critical in enhancing trust and security during digital interactions.


Further extending its verification capabilities, Sumsub’s Know Your Business (KYB) solution verifies businesses and vendors, ensuring thorough due diligence before partnerships are established. This solution includes the critical verification of the Ultimate Beneficiary Owner (UBO), expanding the traditional scope of KYC to business entities.


Sumsub’s commitment to innovation is further evidenced by its introduction of the Travel Rule Compliance solution, reflecting its dedication to keeping pace with the evolving regulatory and technological landscape.


said Penny.

“As regulators made the travel rule a compliance requirement, the world is fast evolving to adopt the travel rule. Sumsub recently launched our travel rule compliance solution in March 2023. This solution supports virtual asset businesses in adhering to the necessary KYC checks, AML, and verification regulations across countries, by connecting to over 500 VASPs in our global client ecosystem,”


Sumsub’s Vice President of Business Development for the Asia-Pacific region

Meet Sumsub at Seamless Asia

The success story of Sumsub and dtcpay is not just about a partnership; it’s a testament to Sumsub’s capacity to uplift businesses in the payments industry. By choosing Sumsub, dtcpay has not only streamlined its processes but also ensured it stays ahead in compliance and fraud prevention.


For businesses looking to explore new horizons in digital payments and ensure compliance with global standards, meeting Sumsub at Seamless Asia is an opportunity not to be missed.


Sumsub doesn’t just act as a service provider; they aim to be a collaborative partner. Their deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the payments industry makes them a reliable resource for businesses navigating issues such as KYC requirements, multi-currency transactions, and cross-border compliance.


said Penny.

“Our KYC solution streamlines onboarding, verifying identities in under 30 seconds. We revolutionise PoA verification by processing thousands of document subtypes – from utility bills to lease agreements. Our technology in behavioural fraud analytics sets us apart in fraud detection. Trusted by major players like TransferGo, Wirex, and more, our platform’s efficiency and reliability are evident in our customer success stories,”


Sumsub’s Vice President of Business Development for the Asia-Pacific region

Connecting with Sumsub at Seamless Asia informs you about payments industry developments. It offers an opportunity to explore the integration of technology and trust, enabling progress in digital payments.


Ready to learn more? Visit Sumsub at Seamless Asia. The experts can discuss your payments, KYC, and onboarding needs.

Media Feature

Anson Zeall Promoted to Chief Strategy Officer at dtcpay

As featured on Fintech Singapore, 04 Jan 2024

4 Jan 2024 < 1 mins Read


As featured on Fintech Singapore, 04 Jan 2024

Anson Zeall Promoted to Chief Strategy Officer at dtcpay

Singapore-based payments service provider dtcpay has promoted its Head of Compliance Anson Zeall as the new Chief Strategy Officer (CSO).


During his tenure as Head of Compliance, Zeall played a pivotal role in guiding dtcpay through the complex regulatory environment of the blockchain and cryptocurrency sectors.


The firm said that Zeall’s promotion reflects both recognition of his past contributions and a strategic decision to enhance the company’s focus on strategy and compliance.


Zeall is also known for his entrepreneurial initiatives, having co-founded IDAXA (International Digital Asset Exchange Association) and ACCESS (Singapore Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Industry Association).


Founded in 2019 in Singapore, dtcpay is a regulated payment service provider in the Web 3.0 payments industry.


dtcpay said in a statement,

“As we embark on this new chapter under Anson’s leadership, we anticipate an era of continued growth, innovation, and unwavering commitment to compliance and security. We look forward to the continued support of our clients, partners, and stakeholders as dtcpay advances under the leadership of Anson as Chief Strategy Officer.”

Media Feature

More businesses accepting crypto as payment method

As featured on Channel NewsAsia, 30 Dec 2023

30 Dec 2023 < 1 mins Read


As featured on Channel NewsAsia, 30 Dec 2023

More businesses accepting crypto as payment method

Media Feature

Singapore’s dtcpay Integrating Crypto Transaction into In-store Checkouts & Shaping the In-store Experience

As featured on Publish0x, 12 Dec 2023

12 Dec 2023 4 mins Read


As featured on Publish0x, 12 Dec 2023

Before the advent of web 2 e-commerce, virtual marketplaces, electronic payment & home delivery which is the norm today the closest thing for convenience was Hudson Bay Company’s 1881 mail order catalogue, at a time when department stores were located in urban areas to reach potential customers in remote rural locations the only way to do so was by mail order catalogues. Then came checkout lanes, cashiers, cash registers and cash transactions which evolved into the addition of credit & debit card transactions at the in-store cash register & due to minimum wage increase & the increased hourly cost of labor came self-service checkouts at grocery stores. But today in the Asian city-state of Singapore which has become a hub for electronic payment & where electronic payment is commonplace, Digital Treasures Center Pay (DTCPay) has set the stage for an additional new form of electronic online & in-store payment by integrating fiat currency & cryptocurrency making physical in-store checkout cryptocurrency transactions & online virtual checkout cryptocurrency transactions the new reality set to shape in-store & online financial transactions with the launch of a payment system giving consumers the option to pay for goods with both fiat currency or cryptocurrencies Tether, Ethereum & BTC at a physical in-store checkout or online at a virtual checkout.

Digital Treasures Center Partnerships

Digital Treasures Center Pay has partnered with Chinese-based open-source blockchain PlatON to create a privacy-protected digital infrastructure ensuring Singapore’s commitment to consumer protection & Digital Treasures Center Pay has partnered with Allinpay to create smart terminals & a digital interface, Allinpay is an overseas payment company & based in China and both PlatON & Allinpay along with U.S Publicly Traded Company Coinbase & U.S-based tech company Ripple are registered with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).


Singapore is looking into the potential of a CBDC which definitely opens a potential door for Soramitsu but the MAS has indicated that at present there is “no urgent use case” for a CBDC & keep in mind that the Bank of Canada has previously stated that they will issue CBDC if retail CBDC becomes widespread the Bakong project CBDC has gained widespread use in Asia, China, the E.U & their member nation Britain definitely are in favor of a retail CBDC as cashless has been crowned king in Europe cash still remains king with merchants & consumers in Canada which I have mentioned a lot in previous posts but at present Canada like Singapore has no urgent use case for a retail CBDC. But Tonghua International the parent company of Allinpay International stated that the partnership of Allinpay International & Digital Treasures Center Pay is a means to assist both online & in-store merchants adopt contemporary payment method trends & meet the needs of the touch-of-a-button young consumers of the microwave culture.

Digital Treasures Pay Track Record

DTCPay previously secured an agreement with the London, UK-based Sumsub as a provider of services for Sumsub’s Know Your Customer (KYC) digital wallet. Additionally DTCPay gained recognition November 2022 as a cryptocurrency & blockchain startup participant in Mastercard’s Start Path a six-month global engagement program designed to help promising global startups scale, enter new markets, access new technologies & access MasterCard’s expertise.

The Future In-Store Experience

As technology advances rapidly Singapore has emerged as an Asian city state committed to ongoing digital payment innovation & DTCPay has created a global trend which is cryptocurrency integration into financial services such as the in-store experience, even with the contemporary dine-in & take-out quick service restaurant experience.


McDonald’s for instance introduced the concept of kiosk orders & payments where customers can customize their orders electronically on-screen & pay at the kiosk & collect their in-store kiosk order which eliminates point-of-sale orders & counter clerks manually processing payments & now due to minimum wage increase & the cost of labor per hour increase to cut costs some quick service restaurants have gone 100% kiosk order & kiosk payment where counter clerks only hand the order to the customer which streamlines the in-store quick service order & payment process.


Doordash for instance streamlines the take out process if customers desire to place, customize & pay for their orders electronically via an app, track prep & cooking progress, track order delivery progress, receive a notification when the driver has arrived & the customer can simply collect their order at their own doorstep to avoid the hustle & bustle nature of the in-store quick service restaurant experience & then what began in Seattle & even spread from Seattle to London UK is the concept of Amazon Go which streamlined the in-store trend by eliminating physical in-store point-of-sale cash registers, counter clerks & slow-moving long lines at checkout lanes.


The future in-store experience is moving in the route of being fully self-service, eliminating face-to-face human interaction between in-store associates, cashiers & customers as the customer becomes their own own checkout & all it takes is the integration of cryptocurrency as a kiosk payment method in addition to fiat currency & the in-store experience goes to another level of innovation & furthermore DTCPay aims to integrate additional cryptocurrencies in the future along with Tether, Ethereum & BTC.


DTCPay is making a mark in the consumer culture of Singapore that will never be erased & will be a foundation where others build upon with their building blocks of innovation paving the way for technology to integrate cryptocurrency transactions into quick service restaurant kiosks as quick service restaurants, department store shopping & financial transactions ultimately shifts from the physical shopping mall, to the web2 shopping mall & ultimately to the new shopping mall of web3.


Media Feature

Allinpay International, dtcpay and PlatON jointly launch smart terminal digital payment, helping…

As featured on Foresight News, 23 Nov 2023

23 Nov 2023 2 mins Read


As featured on Foresight News, 23 Nov 2023

Allinpay International, dtcpay and PlatON jointly launch smart terminal digital payment, helping Singapore merchants to accept offline digital currency payments

At the recent Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF 2023), the “digital currency payment system based on smart terminals” jointly launched by Allinpay International, dtcpay, and PlatON officially debuted, providing merchants with a new offline digital currency payment service. The industries that have started pilot cooperation include retail, catering, beauty, cinema, hospital, cake shop, pet shop, car sales, etc. This innovative payment system is a joint creation of three leading enterprises in the digital finance field, combining the advantages of smart terminals, digital currency wallets, and blockchain technology, to provide a seamless and convenient payment experience for merchants and customers. Various mainstream digital currencies are supported for payment. This payment system aims to promote the popularization and innovation of digital currency payment in Singapore and the world, and provide a user-friendly and compliant solution for online and offline merchants, bringing benefits such as reducing transaction fees, increasing customer base, and enhancing brand image.


Allinpay International is an international financial payment company, committed to providing diversified payment solutions and digital financial technology services for global merchants and customers. The company’s business covers aggregate payment, global account, international remittance, currency exchange and so on. The company focuses on building a business system with payment + account products as the core, financial services + technology scenario output as the auxiliary, and providing payment + exchange services for digital currency scenarios with the help of the qualifications of cooperative licensed institutions.


dtcpay is a major payment institution licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and fully regulated to provide digital payment services under the Payment Services Act (PSA), providing digital currency and fiat currency exchange services, helping individuals and businesses to seamlessly and efficiently transfer value.


PlatON is an open financial infrastructure with privacy computing as its technical feature, initiated and promoted by LatticeX Foundation, committed to becoming the main blockchain platform for the Web3 era, providing financial-level system stability and performance, privacy computing-enhanced compliant digital asset management, multi-scenario-oriented secret payment clearing solutions, and smooth and friendly user experience for various types of Web3 native applications, as well as applications and users migrating from Web2 to Web3.


Media Feature

dtcpay Partners With PlatON, Allinpay To Launch Crypto Payment Network

As featured on Bitcoin World, 20 Nov 2023

20 Nov 2023 < 1 mins Read


Table of Contents

As featured on Bitcoin World, 20 Nov 2023

dtcpay, a Singapore-based startup, reportedly entered into a strategic partnership with the open-source blockchain platform, PlatON, and Chinese payment solution provider, Allinpay International to launch a new payment system.


The new payment system is tailored for both cryptocurrencies and traditional fiat currencies. The aim is to establish a privacy-protected digital payment infrastructure.


The collaboration will center around the creation of smart point of sale (POS) terminals, capable of supporting numerous digital currencies including Tether (USDT), Ethereum (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC).


Previously known as the Digital Treasures Center, dtcpay has made a name for itself offering state-of-the-art digital currency payment services, enabling partners and merchants to accept payments in both traditional and digital currencies.


In addition to the partnership with PlatON and Allinpay International, dtcpay has also formed alliances with the verification platform Sumsub. This collaboration is intended to heighten the security and reliability of digital currency payments in key markets such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, the UK, and Europe.


In September, the company partnered with another Singapore-based firm, POS technology developer Jeripay, to integrate crypto within Jeripay’s 8000 terminal network.


Media Feature

dtcpay to Introduce Seamless Crypto Payment Network

As featured on IndustryWired, 20 Nov 2023

2 mins Read


As featured on IndustryWired, 20 Nov 2023

dtcpay’s seamless integration of cryptocurrency networks revolutionizes payment systems

According to reports, dtcpay has partnered strategically with Allinpay International, a Chinese provider of payment solutions, and PlatON, an open-source blockchain platform. The goal is to establish a private digital payment system. The partnership’s primary goal is to create intelligent point-of-sale (POS) terminals that support a variety of virtual currencies, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Tether (USDT).


dtcpay, formerly the Digital Treasures Center, has established a reputation for providing cutting-edge digital currency payment systems that let partners and merchants take payments in both traditional and digital currencies.


In addition to working with PlatON and Allinpay International, dtcpay has partnered with the verification platform Sumsub. Enhancing the security and dependability of digital currency transactions in key areas like as Europe, the UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Dubai is the aim of this collaboration.



In September, the company partnered with another Singapore-based business, PoS technology developer Jeripay, to integrate cryptocurrencies into Jeripay’s 8000 terminal network.


The collaborations take place in the backdrop of Singapore’s evolving cryptocurrency regulations, which aim to improve consumer safety.


The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), which also grants payment institution licenses to prominent cryptocurrency firms like Ripple and Coinbase, is looking into central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).


A significant component of this evolving environment is initiative Orchid, a retail CBDC research initiative that has completed its pilot phase. Through a series of pilot experiments, the project brings together government agencies and big banks with the goal of creating digital currencies for specific purposes.


Although retail CBDCs have not yet gained widespread acceptability, the project analysis indicates that digital currencies that are not valued in Singapore dollars are becoming more and more popular locally. To keep up with these developments, MAS is looking into the concept of programmable or automated execution of digital currencies appropriate for predefined use cases.


Media Feature

Dtcpay inks partnership to launch crypto payment network

As featured on Crypto.News, 19 Nov 2023

19 Nov 2023 2 mins Read


As featured on Crypto.News, 19 Nov 2023

Dtcpay inks partnership to launch crypto payment network

Singapore-based startup Dtcpay is set to launch a new payment system tailored for both cryptocurrencies and traditional fiat currencies. 


Dtcpay reportedly entered into a strategic partnership with the open-source blockchain platform, PlatON, and Chinese payment solution provider, Allinpay International. The aim is to establish a privacy-protected digital payment infrastructure.


The collaboration will center around the creation of smart point of sale (POS) terminals, capable of supporting numerous digital currencies including Tether (USDT), Ethereum (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC).


Previously known as the Digital Treasures Center, Dtcpay has made a name for itself offering state-of-the-art digital currency payment services, enabling partners and merchants to accept payments in both traditional and digital currencies.


In addition to the partnership with PlatON and Allinpay International, Dtcpay has also formed alliances with the verification platform Sumsub. This collaboration is intended to heighten the security and reliability of digital currency payments in key markets such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, the UK, and Europe.


In September, the company partnered with another Singapore-based firm, PoS technology developer Jeripay, to integrate crypto within Jeripay’s 8000 terminal network.


The collaborations come against a backdrop of continually evolving crypto regulations aimed at offering enhanced consumer protection in Singapore. 


Major crypto firms such as Coinbase and Ripple are already licensed payment institutions by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), which is also exploring the potential of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).


As a key component of this evolving landscape, Project Orchid, a retail CBDC research project, has completed its first phase. The project aims to create digital currencies for specific purposes, bringing together major banks and government agencies in a series of pilot trials. 


Even though retail CBDCs are yet to become mainstream, the project’s report indicates that digital currencies not denoted in Singaporean dollars are gaining local traction. 


To keep up with these developments, MAS is exploring the concept of programmable or automated execution of digital currencies tailored to predefined use cases.