How Stablecoins Can Drive Business Growth for the Automotive Industry
Singapore’s leading car dealership has partnered with dtcpay to accept stablecoin payments.
19 Apr 2023 • 2 mins Read
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Mega Store@ Carros Centre 60 Jalan Lam Huat Level 6, Carros Centre Singapore 737869
Supreme Cars, Singapore’s leading car dealership has partnered with dtcpay to accept stablecoin payments, which include USDT, USDC, WUSD and FDUSD as stablecoin payments.
Supreme Cars is one of the merchants that offer solutions to buyers looking to purchase a car with stablecoins. Accepting stablecoin payments can help Cars & Coffee access new customer segments and provide more payment options to their customers. With the rise of stablecoin as a legitimate payment method, many businesses are looking to integrate it into their payment systems.

Supreme Cars is no exception, as it recognizes the growing demand for stablecoin payments from its customers. By partnering with dtcpay, a trusted and reliable stablecoin payment provider, Cars and Coffee aims to offer a seamless and secure payment experience to its customers.
“We’ve decided to partner with dtcpay because they are trusted and licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and as an early believer and investor in blockchain technology, we’re confident that blockchain in the automotive industry has the potential to bring significant benefits.”,
General Manager of Supreme Cars
This innovation will reduce the cost of transaction fees and open access to stablecoin wealth clientele and provides consumers with greater convenience and experience. And sooner the better, for first movers will have the opportunity to lead by tapping into the profitability potential of a differentiated and disruptive offering.
Before dtcpay
- Limited digital payment options
- High transaction fees
- Incapabilities to provide stablecoin payments
- Fraudulent chargebacks occur
After dtcpay
- Improved profits with lower transaction fees
- Access to stablecoin wealthy clientele
- Zero chargeback for stablecoin payments
- Low FX risks for different payment options